void | pushBall (TrackingBall ball) |
| push a raw tracked ball to projector
void | pushPred (KFPrediction pred) |
| push a predicted ball (ie a KF prediction) to projector
void | markDataStale () |
| mark data stale, ie ready to wipe on next track. More...
void | clearTrack () |
| clear all data immediately
void | toggleLockFit (bool lockFit) |
| toggle whether to wait until manual clear for tracked ball
void | toggleShowFit (bool showFit) |
| toggle whether to show fit information for tracked ball
void | toggleShowParam (bool showParam) |
| toggle whether to show parametrized equations y(t), x(t)
void | toggleShowJet (bool showJet) |
| toggle whether to show jet ((dx,dy)) of tracked ball
void | toggleColorMiss (bool colorMiss) |
| toggle color difference between seen/unseen KF hits
void | toggleVerboseKF (bool verboseKF) |
| toggle verbose display [size, etc] of track/predict info
void | toggleShowParabola (bool showParabola) |
| set whether we should show the fit parabola
void | setPointRadius (int pointRadius) |
| set radius of ball track circles
void | setPointThickness (double pointThickness) |
| set thickness of ball track marks
void | setFitThickness (double fitThickness) |
| set thickness of fit parabola
void | setFontSize (int fontSize) |
| set font size for data display
void | setColorFitLock (QString color) |
| Set the after-lock fit curve color.
void | setMinFallSpeed (int minFallSpeed) |
| set minimum y-velocity for lock
void | toggleWaitTilFall (bool waitTilFall) |
| set whether we should wait until given y-velocity to lock
void | setProjW (int w) |
| set the projector width (in inches)
void | setProjH (int h) |
| set the projector height (in inches)
QSize | mProjSize |
| The size of the projector (in inches)
QList< TrackingBall > | mBalls |
| A list of raw spotted balls in the projector.
QList< KFPrediction > | mPreds |
| A list of predictions of ball location in the projector.
QList< KFPrediction > | mFitPreds |
| A [sub]list of predictions which are used for the fit curve.
double | mFitLineX [2] |
| linear coefficients of x(t) equation, (b,m)
double | mFitParabolaY [3] |
| quadratic coefficients of y(t) equation, (C,B,A)
QList< KFPrediction > | mMarkedPoints |
| list of points marked and selected to be solved for x(t), y(t)
bool | mDataStale = false |
| whether data should be cleared on next track
bool | mLockFit = false |
| Whether to lock the fit curve and track until manual clear.
int | mNumPointFit |
| Number of tracked points to wait for until the curve is fit.
bool | mFitLocked = false |
| Whether the fit is 'locked' for the time being, until reset either manually or after sufficient time and another track.
bool | mWaitTilFall = false |
| Whether we should wait until the ball is falling to lock/fit a curve.
int | mMinFallSpeed |
| Minimum fall speed to determine that the ball is "falling".
bool | mFitPoints = true |
| Whether we fit a degree-d curve exactly to (d+1) points, or use a regression.
bool | mShowFit = false |
| Whether we show the fit or not.
bool | mShowParam = false |
| Whether we show the parametrized equation for the fit or not.
bool | mShowJet = false |
| Whether we show (dx,dy) vectors on the display.
bool | mColorMiss = false |
| Whether we should color differently the predictions for unseen balls.
bool | mVerboseKF = false |
| Whether we should include width, height, etc from KF prediction data in display.
bool | mShowParabola = true |
| Whether we should show the fit parabola curve.
int | mFontSize = 12 |
| Data display font size in pt.
QColor | mColorFitNoLock |
| The color of the fit curve projection, pre-lock.
QColor | mColorFitLock |
| The color of the fit curve projection, after lock.
int | mPointRadius |
| Radius of circles denoting tracked ball.
double | mPointThickness |
| Thickness of circle lines for balls.
double | mFitThickness |
| Thickness of the track fit parabola.
A display widget for projector coordinates on the projector.
The idea is that this displays full screen behind the demonstration and shows the ball "where it is"