
The following information is old and more than likely outdated. This information is here for archival purposes.


The Python interface to plCurve is implemented with the aid of SWIG.

Demos & Examples

There is a (hastily written) example of a plCurve visualizer in Python which uses pyopengl and pyside Qt bindings: plcview.py.

Installing plCurve-python

As of 2014-05-11, SWIG build support is enabled (and required I think, oops!) in SVN master.

So long as you have a version of plCurve which is set up to build the python interface, installation should be little extra work: It’s possible that Python does not know about the prefix into which plCurve installs itself.

If the following python commands don’t work, you’ll have to update your PYTHONPATH environment variable. First you’ll need to know the prefix to which plCurve installed: If you’ve added your own prefix argument to the ./configure directive for plCurve’s build then you know this already. Otherwise it’s probably /usr/local. Add the following bit to your bash init file (.bash_profile if you’re on a Mac or .bashrc if you’re on Linux) making the obvious substitutions necessary:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/your/prefix/goes/here

Let’s get started! First, it’s probably best to make sure the library loads without issue. Boot up your python console (you are using iPython by now, correct?) and try the following invocation:

>>> import libplcurve.plcurve as pl

Assuming that there were no errors thrown (if there were, it may be a problem with your PYTHONPATH. See how you may fix it above.) we’re hooked up and ready to go. Let’s start out by drawing a random closed arm:

>>> N = 50
>>> r = pl.RandomGenerator()
>>> plc = pl.PlCurve.random_closed_polygon(r, N)
>>> plc.components[0]
Strand (closed) with 50 vertices
>>> plc.components[0].vertices
[(-0.0004563321077621033, 0.021037011726962707, 0.014543772633901534),
 (-0.005370435696012072, -0.014320318855877902, -0.02145299992122479),
 (0.01234355180147441, -0.026678638073560575, -0.035588446667361995),
 ... 44 vertices omitted ...
 (0.0331081347427131, -0.009773608676877385, 0.039538580797402204),
 (0.022598041131123285, -0.01600633031308516, -0.0412711435883152),
 (-1.3183898417423734e-16, -6.938893903907228e-18, 2.3592239273284576e-16)]

If that worked, you should consider your environment prepared! Even better, the arm ends back at the origin, so things are as they should be. Let’s go a bit deeper into how to use the library.

Understanding the example

In the last section, we of course started with the ever-important importing of the library. We named it pl then just because it is bad practice to import all globals of python libraries but short since we’re presumably going to be calling it a lot! The choice is yours, but be wary of this. So, if you’re going to be using plCurve in Python, this should probably be somewhere near the top of the code.

import libplcurve.plcurve as pl

In the first example that we worked above, we generated a random polygon. Other reasons aside, it’s certainly easier to get an interesting (non-contrived) polygon without too much effort by drawing it randomly. Let’s break down the example.

r = pl.RandomGenerator()

This line initializes a gsl_rng object in C as we can see in the SWIG interface code

%rename(RandomGenerator) gsl_rng;
typedef struct {
  %extend {
    gsl_rng() {
      gsl_rng *r;
      const gsl_rng_type *T;

      T = gsl_rng_default;
      r = gsl_rng_alloc(T);

      return r;
    ~gsl_rng() {

    void set(unsigned long int s);
} gsl_rng;

which “extends” gsl_rng to act more like an honest class with a standard constructor and destructor. Additionally, SWIG notices that the declaration of the method set has the same signature (with first argument a pointer to a gsl_rng) as the library function gsl_rng_set and cleverly links the two with no additional effort. So if we had wanted to set a specific seed in our sample experiment above, we could have added the line (in Python)


before we pulled the random polygon. But how did we create the random polygon? Similarly to how the interface wraps the gsl_rng struct as a class, the majority of the interface specification wraps the plc_type (a.k.a plCurve, this might get a little confusing) struct (and friends) as a class (with some additional Python directives).

%rename(PlCurve) plc_type;
struct plc_type {
  %rename(num_components) nc;
  int         nc;                              /* Number of components */
  // SWIG extensions
  %extend {
    // Virtual class members
    const varray components;

    // Constructors and destructor
    plc_type(const int components,
             const int * const nv,
             const bool * const open,
             const int * const cc)
    { return plc_new(components, nv, open, cc); }
    plc_type(const plCurve * const L) { return plc_copy(L); }
    ~plc_type() {
    // Random PlCurve creators
    %newobject random_closed_polygon;
    static plCurve *random_closed_polygon(gsl_rng *r, int nEdges)
    { return plc_random_closed_polygon(r, nEdges); }

This snippet shows, among other things, that the PlCurve class which Python sees is a wrapper around the plc_type that C knows about. It has a standard constructor, copy constructor, and destructor. It has loads of methods, namely the static random_closed_polygon which we’ve used in the example code. Its first argument is a gsl_rng *, so we passed in the RandomGenerator object that we had—SWIG handles the rest. ints are easy, but it’s not too hard (with a little extra work) to pass even more complicated Python objects to C naturally.

Once we’ve created the random polygon, we access its component (which SWIG also knows how to wrap thanks to the interface file) and checked its vertices. If you’re using iPython with its extremely useful smart tab completion, this is a great opportunity to explore a component object:

>>> cmp = plc.components[0]
>>> cmp.[[tab key]]
cmp.acquire       cmp.disown        cmp.num_colors    cmp.this
cmp.append        cmp.is_open       cmp.num_vertices  cmp.thisown
cmp.colors        cmp.next          cmp.own           cmp.vertices
>>> plc.[[tab key]]
plc.G                              plc.perturb
plc.MR_curvature                   plc.pfm
plc.acquire                        plc.pointset_diameter
plc.add_component                  plc.project
plc.append                         plc.quant
plc.center_of_mass                 plc.random_closed_plane_polygon
plc.check_constraint               plc.random_closed_polygon
plc.components                     plc.random_equilateral_closed_polygon
plc.constrain_to_line              plc.random_equilateral_open_polygon
plc.constrain_to_plane             plc.random_open_plane_polygon
plc.convert_to_spline              plc.random_open_polygon
plc.cp_num                         plc.random_rotate
plc.cst                            plc.remove_all_constraints
plc.delete_arc                     plc.remove_constraint
plc.disown                         plc.resize_colorbuf
plc.double_vertices                plc.rotate
plc.drop_component                 plc.s
plc.fix_constraints                plc.scale
plc.fix_wrap                       plc.set_fixed
plc.from_file                      plc.subarc_length
plc.gyradius                       plc.this
plc.loop_closure                   plc.thisown
plc.mean_squared_chordlengths      plc.translate
plc.mean_tangent                   plc.turning_angle
plc.next                           plc.unconstrain
plc.num_components                 plc.vertex_num
plc.num_edges                      plc.vt_num
plc.num_vertices                   plc.write

While acquire, disown, append, own, next, this, and thisown are remnants of the SWIGObject base class, the rest of the options are class members or methods which (should) link appropriately into the C library code. For example, the component’s member vertices grabs the polygon’s vertices as a Python list!

Extending the interface; a sample

The interface as it stands is far from complete, and as plCurve is further developed it will need to be further expanded. Fortunately, this is really not too bad with the aid of SWIG, and in many cases it should be almost trivial. Let’s run through an example.

Recently, the C plc_classify method has changed (to not rely upon ancient Fortran code) and, among other things now requires a gsl_rng argument. We’d like to add classify as a method of a PlCurve in Python, so we’ve added the following lines into the block for the plc_type:

struct plc_type {
  %typemap(in, numinputs=0) int *nposs (int temp) {
    $1 = &temp;
  %typemap(argout) int *nposs {
    PyObject *knottype, *np, *o3;

    np = PyInt_FromLong(*$1);
    if(!PyTuple_Check($result)) {
      knottype = $result;
      $result = PyTuple_New(1);
    o3 = PyTuple_New(1);
    knottype = $result;
    $result = PySequence_Concat(knottype,o3);
  %extend {
      %newobject classify;
      plc_knottype *classify(gsl_rng *r, int *nposs)
      { return plc_classify(r, $self, nposs); }

Remember that the %extend directive tells SWIG to add class methods and members to what it ends up calling a plc_type (it’s a PlCurve); let’s inspect the bit we’ve added in there. Notice that plc_classify takes three inputs; a gsl_rng *, a plc_type *, and an int *. So our wrapper asks for a gsl_rng * and an int * but knows to pass a pointer to the actual plc_type object by passing $self to the C code. It’s important to notice now that the int * isn’t really an input for the C code: It’s an additional output! While Python does not have “integer pointer” capabilities, Python functions can easily return multiple entities as a tuple. This is what the %typemap bits above handle: An in typemap tells SWIG not to ask Python for this integer pointer and instead creates one itself. The out typemap then combines both the function’s actual return value and the integer pointer faux return into a tuple which Python can grok.

The last C subtlety to notice here is that plc_classify returns a pointer to a plc_knottype object; a C programmer understands that this usually means that the function mallocs some memory for the plc_knottype object and that we (the end user) must be sure to free it when we are done. This is what the %newobject SWIG directive is for: Once we tell SWIG that a new object is created by this function, it will know how to appropriately garbage collect the memory created in C when the Python references are obsolete. This both prevents against memory leaks and allows us to be Pythonic with Python (and not have to micromanage every little bit of the C library in our scripts!).

As of 2014-05-11, plc_classify does nothing (or even segfaults!). This is not the interface or Python’s fault: the function ccode_from_pd_code is presently just not implemented!

Something hidden here is that presently, the SWIG interface file also contains instructions which turn plc_knottypes into Python objects! If you had added a function to the interface without this, your method should still work: SWIG would return you an object which points to the C data which you could use in other interfaced C functions without issue. In order to access the data inside of this pointer object though, you’d need to expand the interface to know more about this new type.