The Diagram module: PlanarDiagrams

In this file we primarily wrap the functionality of the C object pd_code_t as a Python class, PlanarDiagram.

There are also some utility functions and variables defined. For the most part, naming conventions try to match up with plcTopology.h and headers pd_***.h, and further documentation can be found there.

A reminder about Cython: In order to make sure that your functions and methods contain signatures for, e.g., completion in iPython, make sure to include a docstring for your functions containing the signature, such as:

function_or_method(arg1, arg2, arg3) -> return_type_or_var

This makes scripting a lot more friendly, and allows Sphinx autodoc to present function calls and their arguments, too.

Constants and other top-level features

The Diagram module provides the following constant values:

Signs and orientation constants


Positive orientation sign


Negative orientation sign


Unset orientation sign

Equivalence type constants


Use diagram isomorphism; check signs


Use map iosmorphism; ignore signs

Additionally, the diagram module includes some helper functions for toggling debug verbosity in the wrapped C library:


Disable debug output from libplCurve


Enable debug output from libplCurve

The PlanarDiagram Class

The primary definition of the module diagram is the PlanarDiagram object:

class libpl.pdcode.diagram.PlanarDiagram(max_verts=15)

Class which represents a PD code (planar diagram). There are a few different ways to create PlanarDiagrams:

The constructor will create a new empty diagram with max_verts blank crossings.

There are two class methods for reading diagrams from files, both from files written in PlanarDiagram’s own format, and from files written in Mathematica’s KnotTheory format.

There are multiple class methods which create new PlanarDiagrams of basic examples; their docstrings contain some specific information.

PlanarDiagrams support the following operations; given K and L two objects;

Create a new PlanarDiagram. You may set the initial available number of vertices by passing a number to max_verts.

Parameters:max_verts (int) – The initial size (in vertices) of the object

A sequence of Component which belong to this diagram


A sequence of Crossing which belong to this diagram


A sequence of Edge which belong to this diagram


What type of equivalence to use for the == operation. Valid values are,


A sequence of Face which belong to this diagram


Hash of this of this PlanarDiagram


Number of components in this PlanarDiagram


Number of crossings in this PlanarDiagram


Number of edges in this PlanarDiagram


Number of faces in this PlanarDiagram


UID of this PlanarDiagram

Creating PlanarDiagrams

Typically, one does not construct such an object by hand. There are several different ways to either create or load PlanarDiagram objects.

The following are all class methods:

PlanarDiagram.random_diagram(n_crossings, n_components=None, max_att=50, dia_type=None) → PlanarDiagram

Create a new PlanarDiagram with n_crossings crossings by uniformly sampling a rooted 4-regular map using Giles Schaeffer’s PlanarMap and uniformly sampling a sign at each crossing. If n_components is a positive integer rather than None, then we will attempt up to max_att times to create a diagram with precisely n_components, and None otherwise. If max_att=0 then there is no limit on the number of attempts to satisfy n_components.

Presently, dia_type is one of 'all', 'prime', '6conn', or 'biquart'. (dia_type=None defaults to all)

  • n_crossings (int) – The number of crossings of the result diagram
  • n_components (int or None) – The number of components of the result diagram, or None if no constraint
  • max_att (int) – The max number of attempts to create a diagram of n_components components.
  • dia_type (str or None) –

    The type of diagram to produce, or None for any. Valid types are:

    • 'all', 2-edge-connected (i.e. any) diagrams,
    • 'prime', 4-connected (i.e. prime) diagrams
    • '6conn', 6-connected diagrams, and
    • 'biquart', bipartite diagrams. Notice that bipartite diagrams never have precisely 1 component.

A new uniformly sampled PlanarDiagram of the appropriate type

Return type:


PlanarDiagram.from_dt_code(dt_code) → PlanarDiagram

Creates a new PlanarDiagram from a DT code (Dowker-Thistlethwaite). Requires Spherogram package

Warning: Currently depends on from_pdcode(), which has bugs with components of length 2

Requires: spherogram

Parameters:dt_code (str) – Dowker-Thistlethwaite code to parse
Returns:A new diagram corresponding to dt_code
Return type:PlanarDiagram
PlanarDiagram.from_editor(**kwargs) → PlanarDiagram

Creates a new PlanarDiagram using a new plink.LinkEditor

Requires package plink and Tkinter interface

Parameters:kwargs – Arguments for plink.LinkEditor constructor
Returns:A new diagram based on the link drawn in the editor
Return type:PlanarDiagram

Creates a new PlanarDiagram from a plink.LinkManager object.

Requires package plink

  • editor (plink.LinkManager) – The plink.LinkManager object which contains the diagram
  • thin (bool) – Whether or not to wrap child components in Python

A new diagram object based on that drawn in the editor

Return type:


PlanarDiagram.from_pdcode(pdcode) → PlanarDiagram

Create a PlanarDiagram from a planar diagram code list.

PlanarDiagram.db_knot(ncross, index, alternating=None) → PlanarDiagram

Searches the Rolfsen table of knot types and returns a new PlanarDiagram which is isotopic. Raises KeyError if the specified knot is not found.

The variable alternating defaults to None. If the crossing number is high enough that knots are distinguished by ‘Alternating’ or ‘NonAlternating,’ be sure to set alternating to True or False respectively.

  • ncross (int) – Minimal crossing number
  • index (int) – Index among other minimal crossing number knots
  • alternating (None or bool) – For small knots, there is no alternating information and this should be None. Otherwise, we specify that a knot is non-alternating or alternating, whether this is True or False

KeyError – If queried entry is not found


A diagram representing the database knot queried

Return type:


Searches the Thistlethwaite table of link types and returns a new PlanarDiagram which is isotopic. Raises KeyError if the specified link is not found.

  • ncross (int) – Minimal crossing number
  • index (int) – Index among other minimal crossing number links
  • alternating (bool) – Whether to find a non-alternating or alternating link

KeyError – If queried entry is not found


A diagram representing the database link queried

Return type:


PlanarDiagram.unknot(n_crossings, thin=False) → PlanarDiagram

Create a new PlanarDiagram which represents an \(n\)-crossing unknot diagram

  • n_crossings (int) – Number of crossings in resulting diagram
  • thin (bool) – Whether to wrap all children as Python objects

A new unknot diagram

Return type:


PlanarDiagram.unknot_wye(a, b, c, thin=False) → PlanarDiagram

Create a new PlanarDiagram representing an unknot which is designed for hash collisions.

  • a (int) – Positive integer parameter
  • b (int) – Positive integer parameter
  • c (int) – Positive integer parameter
  • thin (bool) – Whether to wrap all children as Python objects

A new wye unknot diagram

Return type:


PlanarDiagram.torus_knot(p, q, thin=False) → PlanarDiagram

Create a new PlanarDiagram which represents a \((p,q)\)-torus knot. Only implemented for \(p=2\).

  • p (int) – Number of rotations around the a generator, must be 2 currently
  • q (int) – Number of rotations around the b generator
  • thin (bool) – Whether to wrap all children as Python objects

Exception – If p is not 2


A new \((p,q)\) torus knot diagram

Return type:


PlanarDiagram.twist_knot(n_twists, thin=False) → PlanarDiagram

Create a new PlanarDiagram which represents a twist knot with \(n\) twists.

  • n_twists (int) – Number of twists
  • thin (bool) – Whether to wrap all children as Python objects

A new twist knot diagram

Return type:


PlanarDiagram.simple_chain(n_links, thin=False) → PlanarDiagram

Create a new PlanarDiagram which represents an \(n\)-link chain.

  • n_links (int) – Number of links in the simple chain
  • thin (bool) – Whether to wrap all children as Python objects

A new simple chain diagram

Return type:


The following methods produce new diagrams from other diagrams:

PlanarDiagram.copy() → PlanarDiagram

Returns a memory deepcopy of this PlanarDiagram

Parameters:thin (bool) – Whether to wrap all children as Python objects
Returns:A deep memory copy of this PlanarDiagram
Return type:PlanarDiagram
PlanarDiagram.edit_copy() → PlanarDiagram

Open a plink editor for this PlanarDiagram. On completion, returns a new PlanarDiagram object.

Requires package plink` and TKinter interface

Diagram I/O

There are a few methods for reading and writing specific diagrams from and to files. The following “read” methods are all class methods: f, read_header=False, thin=False) → PlanarDiagram

Read the next pdcode from a file object.

TODO: Rewrite for Py3 compatibility; use a filename rather than a file pointer

  • f (file or str) – File to read
  • read_header (bool) – Whether to read in a pdstor file header
  • thin (bool) – Whether to wrap all children as Python objects
  • TypeError – If the file is not a valid type
  • EOFError – If the file is already at EOF and there is no object to read
  • Exception – If there is an issue reading the PlanarDiagram object

A new PlanarDiagram, or None on failure.

Return type:

PlanarDiagram or None

PlanarDiagram.read_all(file f, read_header=False, thin=False) → generator of PlanarDiagram

Returns a generator that iterates through the pdcodes stored in the file f.

TODO: Rewrite for Py3 compatibility; use a filename rather than a file pointer

  • f (file or str) – File to read
  • read_header (bool) – Whether to read in a pdstor file header
  • thin (bool) – Whether to wrap all children as Python objects
  • TypeError – If the file is not a valid type
  • Exception – If there is an issue reading the PlanarDiagram object

A generator of PlanarDiagram objects contained in the file

Return type:


PlanarDiagram.read_knot_theory(file f, thin=False) → PlanarDiagram

This function reads a pdcode which was exported from the Mathematica package KnotTheory, exported as text with something like:


These PD codes don’t have component or face information, so that is all regenerated once the crossings have been loaded from the file. This will only read one PD code from the file f.

TODO: Rewrite for Py3 compatibility; use a filename rather than a file pointer

  • f (file or str) – File to read
  • thin (bool) – Whether to wrap all children as Python objects

TypeError – If the file is not a valid type


A new PlanarDiagram, or None on failure.

Return type:

PlanarDiagram or None

The following “write” methods are also available to save diagrams to disk.

PlanarDiagram.write(file f)

Write this pdcode to the open file object f.

TODO: Rewrite for Py3 compatibility; use a filename rather than a file pointer

Parameters:f (file) – File object to write to
Raises:IOError – If the file is not writable
PlanarDiagram.write_knot_theory(file f)

Write this pdcode in KnotTheory format to the open file object f.

TODO: Rewrite for Py3 compatibility; use a filename rather than a file pointer

Parameters:f (file) – File object to write to
Raises:IOError – If the file is not writable

The following method checks if, and where, a diagram is in a pdstor file.

PlanarDiagram.pdstor_index() → int index

Returns the index of this diagram’s isotopy (or isomorphism, if isotopy=False) class in the opened, readable pdstor file pdstor_f.

Treats pdstor_f’s current position as beginning of file, and will re-seek file pointer back on completion. It may help to open the file as ‘rb’ to avoid inconsistencies with Windows.

Diagram properties and invariants

It is possible to find properties and other invariants of diagrams and shadows.

PlanarDiagram.homfly(as_string=False, timeout=None) → HOMFLYPolynomial

Compute the HOMFLY polynomial for this diagram. Returns None on error or timeout.

  • as_string (bool) – If True, return a str rather than a HOMFLYPolynomial
  • timeout (None or int) – Infinite if None (default), or a timeout in milliseconds for llmpoly

The HOMFLY polynomial of this diagram, or None on error

Return type:

HOMFLYPolynomial or str

PlanarDiagram.ccode() → str

Convert this PlanarDiagram to its Ewing-Millett ccode format. Wraps pdcode_to_ccode().

Returns:An Ewing-Millett ccode string
Return type:str
PlanarDiagram.linking_number(c1=0, c2=0) → int

Return the linking number of the two numbered components. If no arguments are supplied, checks the first component with itself. If one argument is supplied, the other defaults to the first component.

  • c1 (int) – Index of a component between 0 and ncomps-1, inclusive
  • c2 (int) – Index of a component between 0 and ncomps-1, inclusive

Linking number of the two components

Return type:


PlanarDiagram.unsigned_linking_number(c1=0, c2=0) → int

Return the linking number of the two numbered components. If no arguments are supplied, checks the first component with itself. If one argument is supplied, the other defaults to the first component.

  • c1 (int) – Index of a component between 0 and ncomps-1, inclusive
  • c2 (int) – Index of a component between 0 and ncomps-1, inclusive

Unsigned linking number of the two components

Return type:


PlanarDiagram.interlaced_crossings() → tuple of int

Calculate the interlaced crossings of this diagram.

For a knot shadow, one can compute the average (over all possible crossing assignments) \(v_2\) invariant by \(v_2=-C/4\), where C is the number of interlaced crossings.

Returns:Tuple of ncomps ints
Return type:tuple(int)
PlanarDiagram.interlaced_crossings_unsigned() → tuple of int

Calculate the unsigned interlaced crossings of this diagram.

Returns:Tuple of ncomps ints
Return type:tuple(int)
PlanarDiagram.euler_characteristic() → int

Return the Euler characteristic of the diagram. The pdcode library is currently only guaranteed for the sphere, with Euler characteristic 2.

Returns:Euler characteristic of the embedding surface for this diagram.
Return type:int

Equivalence Checking and Isomorphism generation

In addition to the == and != comparisons (which depend on the value of equiv_type), diagrams support the following operations for comparison and equivalence checking:

PlanarDiagram.isotopic(PlanarDiagram other_pd) → bool

Returns whether or not this PlanarDiagram is diagram-isotopic to the input PlanarDiagram other_pd. This is equivalent to pd == other or not pd != other.

Parameters:other_pd (PlanarDiagram) – Diagram to check isotopy to
Returns:Whether or not the diagrams are isotopic
Return type:bool
PlanarDiagram.map_isomorphic(PlanarDiagram other_pd) → bool

Returns whether or not this pdcode is oriented-\(S^2\)-isotopic to the input PlanarDiagram other_pd.

Parameters:other_pd (PlanarDiagram) – Diagram to check oriented-isomorphism to
Returns:Whether or not the diagrams are oriented-isomorphic
Return type:bool
PlanarDiagram.isomorphic(PlanarDiagram other_pd) → bool

Returns whether or not this pdcode is shadow isomorphic (i.e. unoriented sphere- or UU-isomorphic) to the input pdcode other_pd.

Parameters:other_pd (PlanarDiagram) – Diagram to check shadow isomorphism to
Returns:Whether or not the diagrams are shadow isomorphic
Return type:bool
PlanarDiagram.identical(PlanarDiagram other_pd) → bool

Returns whether or not this diagram is identical to other_pd, i.e., whether or not it has the exact same crossings, edges, faces, and components. Does not care about memory allocated, just the advertised structure.

Parameters:other_pd (PlanarDiagram) – Diagram to compare
Returns:Whether or not the diagrams are identical
Return type:bool

Furthermore, it is possible to inspect isomorphism groups using,

PlanarDiagram.build_isotopies(PlanarDiagram other_pd) → tuple of PlanarIsomorphism

Compute all diagram isotopies to other_pd.

Parameters:other_pd (PlanarDiagram) – Diagram to compute diagram-isotopy to
Returns:Tuple of isotopies
Return type:tuple(PlanarIsomorphism)
PlanarDiagram.build_autoisotopies() → tuple of PlanarIsomorphism

Compute all diagram isotopies to itself

Returns:Tuple of isotopies
Return type:tuple(PlanarIsomorphism)
PlanarDiagram.build_map_isomorphisms(PlanarDiagram other_pd) → tuple of PlanarIsomorphism

Compute all oriented-sphere isomorphisms to other_pd.

Parameters:other_pd (PlanarDiagram) – Diagram to compute oriented-isomorphism to
Returns:Tuple of isotopies
Return type:tuple(PlanarIsomorphism)
PlanarDiagram.build_isomorphisms(PlanarDiagram other_pd) → tuple of PlanarIsomorphism

Compute all unoriented-sphere isomorphisms to other_pd.

Parameters:other_pd (PlanarDiagram) – Diagram to compute unoriented-isomorphism to
Returns:Tuple of isomorphisms
Return type:tuple(PlanarIsomorphism)
PlanarDiagram.build_automorphisms() → tuple, PlanarIsomorphism

Compute all unoriented isomorphisms to itself

Returns:Tuple of isomorphisms
Return type:tuple(PlanarIsomorphism)

Diagram Manipulation

There are several different methods for the manipulation of PlanarDiagram objects.


Set all signs of the crossings in this diagram to match signature; i.e. set self.crossing.sign[i] = signature[i].

Parameters:signature – Sign to set all crossings in this diagram

Unset all signs on this PlanarDiagram to UNSET_ORIENTATION, i.e. make this diagram a shadow.


Toggle the sign of crossing x_i, from positive to negative (or vice versa). If the crossing sign is unset, this is a no-op.

Parameters:x_i – Index of the crossing to toggle
PlanarDiagram.reorient_component(component, sign)

Reverse the orientation of component iff sign is NEG_ORIENTATION

  • component (int) – Index of the component to reorient
  • sign – If NEG_ORIENTATION, reverse the component orientation


Randomly assign a sign in {+,-} to each of the crossings of this PlanarDiagram.

PlanarDiagram.connect_sum(Edge edge, PlanarDiagram other_pd, Edge other_edge) → PlanarDiagram

This function gives the connect sum of two PlanarDiagram objects at two different edges, keeping edge orientations consistent.

  • edge (Edge) – Edge in this diagram which designates location of connect sum
  • other_pd (PlanarDiagram) – Other diagram to connect sum in
  • other_edge (Edge) – Edge in other_pd which designates location of connect sum

A new PlanarDiagram which is the result of the connect sum

The following methods change diagrams at a lower level, and require some care.


Resizes the PlanarDiagram to fit more (or less, down to ncross) vertices.

Parameters:ncross (int) – New total number of crossings for resultant object

Add N crossings to this PlanarDiagram. If too small, we resize first to fit the new crossings.

Parameters:N (int) – Number of new crossings to add, or 1 by default

Simplification and Reidemeister Moves

One goal of the PlanarDiagram library is to implement routines for simplification.

PlanarDiagram.neighbors() → generator of tuple of PlanarDiagram

Returns a generator of knot-isomorphic PlanarDiagrams by identifying and performing knot moves which preserve isomorphism (i.e. Reidemeister moves). The generator yields tuples of PlanarDiagrams, in case the move untangled a link into two separate diagrams.

Returns:A generator of one-move-simplified neighbors
Return type:generator(tuple(PlanarDiagram))
PlanarDiagram.simplify([seed=None]) → tuple of PlanarDiagram

Returns a tuple of PlanarDiagram whose split link is isomorphic to this diagram and whose crossing numbers software knows not how to decrease (i.e. this would ideally return a tuple of diagrams isomorphic to link with minimal number of crossings).

The return value is a tuple of PlanarDiagram, as it is possible that R2 simplifications break apart a split link diagram into two separate PlanarDiagrams. Order of the tuple depends on the simplification order; at R2 simplifications which split links, two diagrams are returned as (Upper, Lower) depending on their pre-R2 simplification state: Whatever diagrams are produced from simplifying the first diagram come first in the tuple, while the end will the diagrams obtained from simplifying the second. In a very meaningless sense this means the resultant diagrams are returned in a height order, with the “top” diagram appearing first and so on: Of course, there’s no well-defined notion of height of a split link diagram, and it’s possible that simplification steps could mess this up, too.

If seed is not None, pick a random move instead of using any order (using the integer seed provided).

Parameters:seed (None or int) – If non-None, a deterministic seed for the random number generator
Returns:PlanarDiagrams produced by reducing, from “top” to “bottom”; see description for scare-quote explanation.
Return type:tuple(PlanarDiagram)

This works (theoretically) by applying Reidemeister moves to diagrams which do not change the link type of a diagram. The following methods check for Reidemeister local sites:

PlanarDiagram.get_R1_loops() → generator of Faces

Returns a generator of loops which are viable candidates for Reidemeister 1 moves.

Returns:Generator of monogon loops
Return type:generator(Face)
PlanarDiagram.get_R2_bigons() → generator of Faces

Returns a generator of bigons which are viable candidates for Reidemeister 2 moves.

Returns:Generator of bigon loops whose signs are valid for a R2 move operation
Return type:generator(Face)
PlanarDiagram.get_R3_triangles() → generator of Face, Edge

Returns a generator of trigons which are viable candidates for Reidemeister 3 moves, with the strand that would move.

Returns:Generator of triangles whose signs are valid for an R3 move, with an edge that can move
Return type:generator((Face,Edge))

The following Reidemeister-type moves are implemented:

PlanarDiagram.R1_loop_deletion(cr) → PlanarDiagram

Performs a Reidemeister 1 loop deletion which removes the loop designated by input crossing.

Parameters:cr (int) – Index of crossing identifying loop to remove
Raises:Exception – If there is an error performing the R1 deletion move
Returns:A new PlanarDiagram with the monogon removed.
PlanarDiagram.R2_bigon_elimination(Face f) → Upper PlanarDiagram[, Lower PlanarDiagram]

Performs a Reidemeister 2 bigon elimination removing the bigon f. This is not an in-place operation as there may be more than one PlanarDiagram as a result of the move.

Parameters:f (Face) – Face to eliminate, must be a bigon with valid signs
Raises:An Exception if the Face f is not a bigon.
PlanarDiagram.R2_bigon_elimination_vertices(cr1, cr2) → Upper PlanarDiagram, [Lower PlanarDiagram]

Performs a Reidemeister 2 bigon elimination removing the bigon defined by the vertices indexed by cr1 and cr2. Observe that cr1 and cr2 uniquely determine a bigon unless the diagram is a split link of two trivial circles; in this case the result will be two trivial diagrams.

Caveat: This method does not check that cr1 and cr2 actually define a bigon! It is preferred that you use R2_bigon_elimination(), which does error checking.

The following Reidemeister methods are non-working, or otherwise non-tested

PlanarDiagram.R2_bigon_addition(f, e1_on_f, e2_on_f, e1_over_e2_or) → PlanarDiagram

Performs a Reidemeister 2 bigon addition move across the face indexed by f, by moving edges e1_on_f and e2_on_f across each other. NOT FULLY WORKING?

TODO: Fix implementation! The orientation currently has no effect TODO: Fix specification! We should be more consistent and be able to work with python objects like using a Face f instead of an index

PlanarDiagram.R3_triangle_flip(f) → PlanarDiagram

Perform a Reidemeister 3 triangle flip move, flipping the face indexed by f. Currently DOES NOT CARE about sign, and so only works on shadows.

TODO: Implement properly for diagrams

PlanarDiagram.R3_nice_swap(Face f, Edge e) → PlanarDiagram

Perform an R3 move. Possibly not implemented

PlanarDiagram.R3_strand_swap(i_x, i_a_1, i_b_1, i_a_2, i_b_2) → PlanarDiagram

Perform a R3 move. Possibly not implemented

Regeneration and Sanity Checking

Sometimes—particularly after making low-level modifications to diagram objects—we have to regenerate higher-level objects like Component and Face and check that planar diagram objects are valid.

Note: Methods of the form regenerate_componentType do not regenerate
Python objects, and should be used with care; it is advised to instead use the regenerate method instead.

Regenerates everything from cross data.


Fill in (printable) hash value from comps, faces, and crossings

PlanarDiagram.is_ok() → bool

Check that all data contained in this PD code is sane.

Returns:Whether or not this PD code is sane
Return type:bool
PlanarDiagram.crossings_ok() → bool

Crossings are the fundamental data from which PD codes are regenerated. This checks that the crossing data is sane.

Returns:Whether or not the crossing data is sane
Return type:bool
PlanarDiagram.edges_ok() → bool

Check that the edge data agrees with crossing data.

Returns:Whether or not the edges agree with crossing data
Return type:bool
PlanarDiagram.faces_ok() → bool

Check that the face data agrees with crossing data.

Returns:Whether or not the faces agree with crossing data
Return type:bool
PlanarDiagram.components_ok() → bool

Check that the component data agrees with crossing data.

Returns:Whether or not the components agree with crossing data
Return type:bool

Raise an exception if this PlanarDiagram’s data pointer is NULL.

TODO: Make this definition private (_assert_nonnull) as end users should not need to ever call this, in theory…

Raises:Exception – if the internal C data pointer is NULL

SnapPy and Spherogram

We support some conversions to snappy and spherogram data types.

PlanarDiagram.as_spherogram() → spherogram.Link

Returns a Spherogram Link object representing this PlanarDiagram

Requires: spherogram

Returns:A spherogram Link object which represents this PlanarDiagram
Return type:spherogram.Link
PlanarDiagram.snappy_manifold() → snappy.Manifold

Returns a SnapPy Manifold object which represents this knot/link’s complement in \(S^3\).

Requires: snappy, spherogram

Returns:A snappy Manifold object which represents this PlanarDiagram’s complement
Return type:snappy.Manifold