The HOMFLY module

class libpl.pdcode.homfly.HOMFLYPolynomial(polynomial)

An immutable HOMFLY polynomial object.

HOMFLYPolynomials support the following operations; given T and S two objects;

  • ~T performs the substitution \(a \mapsto a^{-1}\), i.e. returns the HOMFLY of a mirrored knot
  • T+S produces the sum of the two polynomials
  • T*S produces the product of the two polynomials
  • T**k produces T*T*...*T, provided k is an integer

HOMFLYPolynomials can be checked for equality with == or != as usual.

Parameters:polynomial (str or iterable(HOMFLYTerm or tuple(int))) – Either a LaTeX-ish string from llmpoly, or an iterable of triples (C, alpha, zeta), representing monomials \(Ca^\alpha{}z^\zeta\)

Create a new HOMFLY polynomial from a LaTeX representation

class libpl.pdcode.homfly.HOMFLYTerm(int C, int alpha, int zeta)

An immutable HOMFLY monomial object (i.e. a monomial of the form \(Ca^\alpha{}z^\zeta\))

HOMFLYTerm support the following operations; given T and S two objects;

  • ~T performs the substitution \(a \mapsto a^{-1}\)
  • T+S, provided the exponents of a and z match, returns the monomial with coefficient the sum of coefficients of T and S
  • T*S produces the product monomial of the two monomials
  • C (int) – The constant factor
  • alpha (int) – The power of the formal variable \(a\)
  • zeta (int) – The power of the formal variable \(z\)